Thursday, April 18, 2013

#3rd Hunting "Welcome to Harapan Bangsa Stadium - Banda Aceh"

For architecture photography's class last Monday, we went to  Harapan Bangsa Stadium at Lhongraya. We chosen this object for our third hunting. It was bright day, the sky is very-very good to take photos :D.

And it was my first time for been there. ^.^ My first experience to go to a huge stadium.
But first, before i share my experiences let me tell you some fact about this stadium. 

Inside the Stadium

Harapan bangsa Stadium , or some called it lhong raya Sadium it was home for Persiraja football club and Atjeh Unitet FC football club. This stadium has 45000 sit (wow.. !!!). Its a huge stadium in Banda Aceh. The first opening for this stadium is in 2000. And had renovated in  2011. Its the bigger stadium in Banda Aceh. Not just for football, some kind of sports use this stadium to for their exercise. 

When i went there, a thing that catch my eyes was a triangle roof. Its dominating front of building. Really a building in tropics climate. 

Triangle Roof
It makes a rows, and something specific for this stadium. 

Row Of Roof

The Shadows

Repetition Structure

A triangle roof is for front side and back side stadiums. This triangle composed by steel pillars for structure, it has repetitions pattern.

The right and the left side use arc roof for cover the sits. It has red pillar for sustain the roof. it is wide roof. Same like triangle roof, this arc roof composed by steel pillars to, but with different pattern. 

Arc Roof

Red Pillars

But because banda aceh has wide wind, a roof cover fly away from the roof. Its make a hole in arc roof.  


When i went there, i could see some of atilt doing exercise. I saw a young girls was doing athletic. They run for a few times. The coach said "one more times" but wouldn't be one more times until they doing right. 

Take a Step


Their spirit is very good, we should them to reach our dream. Never stop run, never give up to make your dream come true. So, lets run to finish this dream. And believe God see every step that we take, and every step that we take it make the dream is closer. 

The Other photos that i toke about Harapan Bangsa Stadium.

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