Thursday, March 28, 2013

Lampulo, More than a Fish Market

If you wanna buy fresh fishes in banda aceh you might go to lampulo. Its the biggset fish market in banda aceh. You can find all kinds of fish there. Its open all days. But if you go there on weeked esspecially on morning you also could find a lot of citizen.

Shark at Lampulo Market 

A basket of fish 

A Serious Fisher
Lampulo is not just a the biggest fish market in banda aceh.. But from my eyes it has another story. About  fisher,  boat and thaksfull what you have.

For a weeks,  fisher go to sea for feed their family. they from all of ages, there a young man and old man. Eventhough they are really tried with their fight but finally they still happy when they saw what they got.  
Eventhough they have to carry a tens of fish's basket, they still look happy with they did. Its look they really love their job and their live without regret what God Gift to them. it told me how to praises this live and love what i have.

and have you think about sea and fish?? Everyday fisher go to sea for catch fish but fish in the sea it never stop be there. And if we try to count maybe it almost a thousand fish, It shows us how God gift for humans its never stops eventhough we always forget to praises at least to say thanks for everything God gift to us.
and the last thing that i learn is about a boat. Its very very smaller than sea. But the fisher trust and believe without fear,  the boat could help them to feed their live and their family to continue this live. it shows us if you wanna fight it not about how big your weapon and how or who is you enemy. But its about trust, believe, and faith. After you try and put everything in Gods hand then everything will fine.   

Monday, March 11, 2013

Something that reflect me

From my last architecture photography class, i got task to show picture that can reflect me or can show who i am. I have been thought for a while untill i decided what it would be. Then i choosed my kets.

Kenapa harus sepatu kets?? Karena for me when i wearing my kets gak perlu lagi repot pakek kaos kaki supaya enggak kenapa matahari yang bikin kaki belang, gak susah harus jinjit kalo jalan di tempat becek, terus gak buat ribet dan sangat simpel. And that is who i am.

Wearing My Kets

 From the Side

From the Top

Komplek Museum Aceh

Kalo di Banda Aceh, kita pasti sering lewat di Jl.S.A.Mahmudsyah atau jalan di depan pendopo gubernur aceh. Nah, Jl.S.A Mahmudsyah merupakan salah satu kawasan heritage Kota Banda Aceh, dimana terdapat beberapa situs yang bisa kita kunjungi atau sekedar liat-liat aja. 
Kalo kita jalannya dari arah simpang 5, yang pertama bisa kita liat itu adalah museum aceh, gedung juang, makam sultan iskandar muda, terus yang terakhir itu adalah pendopo gubernur. 
Gerbang Museum Aceh 

Gedung Juang
Makam Sultan Iskandar Muda
Pendopo Gubernur
Foto-foto di atas merupakan contoh-contoh situs heritage yang bisa kita liat di JL. S.A.Mahmudsyah. Kalo kita pengen liat lebih dekat dimulai dari museum aceh,  gerbang museum aceh memiliki unsur arsitektur tradisional aceh. Baik dari bentuk atap maupun ornamen ukiran-ukiran yang ada. Karena dulu Aceh sempat dipengaruhi oleh budaya Hindu-Budha di dekat gerbang ada semacam prasasti atau tugu kecilyang ternyata difungsikan sebagai penyangga pagar. 

Penyangga Pagar Museum Aceh.

Kalo kita liat lebih dekat lagi, hal pertama yang akan kita liat begitu memasuki museum aceh itu adalah replika rumah aceh yang memang sengaja disimpan disitu untuk dijadikan salah satu alat peraga museum.

Perspektif Rumah Aceh

Detail Bagian Depan

Tiang-tiang dan Jendela Rumah Aceh

Bagian Bawah Rumah Aceh 

Barisan Jendela Rumah Aceh

Beberapa foto di atas dapat menunjukkan kalo rumah aceh kebanyakan terdiri dari unsur garis vertikal yang memiliki pola teratur. Bentuk rumah aceh secara keseluruhan simetris dengan bagian tengah yang lebih tinggi.

Selain rumah aceh, di Museum Aceh sendiri juga ada monumen cakra donya. Gak terlalu ngerti juga fungsi dan maksudnya apa. But, i took some pictures so you could see and pigure out. 

Tampak Cakra Donya

 Detail Cakra Donya

Lonceng Cakra Donya

Udah tau kan kira-kira yang namanya cakra donya kayak apa?? Jadi sekarang kita bisa lanjut liat-liat lagi ke situs-situs yang lain. Tapi karena gak masuk ke gedung juang sama makam iskandar muda, jadi kita lanjut aja ke pendopo gubernur yaaa.. Jarang-jarangkan bisa masuk ke pendopo gubernur apalagi bisa sekalian took some pictures. 

 Tampak Depan Pendopo

 Tampak Depan Pendopo

Sang Merah Putih di Pendopo Aceh

 Interior Pendopo

 Pagar Pendopo

 Detail Pagar Pendopo

Pos Jaga Pendopo